Outpost of Freedom
a series of articles
Oklahoma City Bombing
A series of reports suggesting
what the evidence supports,
as well as articles otherwise pertinent
to the events surrounding the bombing
Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
Whether Timothy McVeigh lit the fuse that resulted in the
destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or not,
he has seen that this event has sent a message to both the US government and the American
People. It is extremely important that this message be heard. So far, 168 lives have been
lost – and, if the US government has its way, the toll will soon come to 169.
This cost is significant,
and it is imperative that we learn why these deaths have occurred. Many will judge that
these are the only lives lost, however there have been hundreds of thousands of lives lost
in the past dozen years that warrant our scrutiny.
The mainstream press and
the US government, have managed to minimize dissemination of McVeigh’s messages. They
have not, however, set any limit on what the US government can say, whether there is any
merit to their claims, or not.
The Outpost of Freedom has
been corresponding with Timothy McVeigh, currently being held in the Federal Penitentiary
in Terre Haute, Indiana. Tim has provide some information, and will continue to do so. The
Outpost of Freedom is more than happy to provide McVeigh’s Forum so that Tim has a place to be heard.

On April 19, 1995, I was on the phone with someone
who claimed to be John Stadtmiller, of Augusta, Michigan. John mentioned that there had
been a bomb blast in Oklahoma City and that hundreds had been killed. I suppose this
seemed too incredible to be considered plausible, so I continued with the conversation.
A little later I happened to turn the television
on, and the first impressions of a new story in history were beginning to present
The press was indicating that there must be a tie
to Waco, while at the scene they were reporting that the government was searching for two
"middle-eastern" looking men in a red pick-up truck.
Perhaps just a handful of people realized exactly
what had happened, and who had set off the bomb, at that time. Within hours, however,
various stories began making the circuit in the patriot communication networks
As always, I began investigating through press
releases, news stories and radio & TV broadcasts. Regardless of who the bombers were,
at that point everything was based upon speculation.
This first article was not completed for three
days. I was attempting to digest as much as possible of the information available. It was
clear (or, should I say unclear) at that time that nobody knew for sure who might have set
the bomb off. The fact that it could have been external or internal forces, however, was
very significant in my mind. The United States had, obviously, reached a plateau seldom
attained by any nation, that of having enemies, both foreign and domestic, that might go
to this extent to express their displeasure with the federal government. The result: Beirut, Waco or Oklahoma City?
The article managed to disturb a
lot of people, including friends. They felt that I was advocating the killing of children.
Most have, since, realized that if there is to be a war in the United States, innocent
casualties will be as common as they are in any other country turned battleground.
By April 25, the patriot
"leaders", most of whom have been selected for your pleasure by the national
media, became advocates of a battle cry that goes, "find the sonofabitch, try him and
hang him." The sense of justice, cause or motivation seems to have been left in
obscurity by those who so recently advocated their own form of violence. Unfortunately,
because of the broad coverage given by the national media, the battle cry was picked up by
thousands of patriots and they 'jumped on the bandwagon" of indignation.
At the same time, the federal
government was becoming very concerned over the ramifications of what had happened.
Although their public finger was pointed at the middle east, their private finger was
scratching their collective heads and wondering if this wasn't the beginning of an
insurrection in this country. Tensions increase over Oklahoma City
explosion begins to explain the apprehension of the government.
The reaction of both the USG (US
government) and the patriot community devolved into rhetoric. There appeared to be a
severe heightening of attitudes and anger among both sides. Escalation
& Fear: Fear & Escalation discusses those aspects.
The national press played a
significant role in our observation of the events surrounding the bombing. Most patriots
relied upon a source that they perceive as a tool of the enemy. Television news programs
made hay out of the events, and carried their own political message in the process. The Tragedy Revisited! discusses some aspects of coverage.
As the pieces of obvious
influential information, attacks on patriots and obfuscation of truth became apparent, I
felt compelled to write about a meeting I had had just weeks before Waco. The person I had
met with worked for a Defense Intelligence Agency contractor. The person's superior was
recently convicted for hiring this person (lying about credentials), which seems to lend
even more credibility to the report. C3CM is a program
acknowledged by nearly all defense related agencies, including Army, Navy and Air Force.
The extent of the program, however, is obscured both in the limited 'public' application
and the ability for the government to provide credible deniability since the program is,
obviously, public knowledge. I am, however, inclined to believe that the program is much
more than the government is willing to admit.
In the course of investigating
the event in Oklahoma City, I contacted Ray Brown with the Oklahoma Geological Survey in
Norman, Oklahoma. During the course of one of our discussions, I asked Mr. Brown,
"Does your analysis of the second event preclude the possibility that it was caused
by the collapse of the building?" His answer, "Nobody has suggested that,
before. No, it is a possibility." What Really Happened in
Oklahoma City? #1 discusses the seismographic evidence.
By this time, it had become
apparent that there was an effort to pass the blame, directly, to the government.
Insistence that there were two, or more, bombs persisted, and was lead by those 'leaders'
given us by the media, and a new breed of "ex-government" types, including
Benton Partin, retired Air Force General and Ted Gunderson, former FBI agent. Reliance on
the enemy, whether retired, or not, does not make a whole lot of sense, but there was a
desire, since most had jumped on the "a patriot couldn't have done it" band
wagon, that they were grasping for ways out of acceptance of the truth. What Really Happened in Oklahoma City? #2 addresses some aspects of
this problem.
The government, without need for
an excuse, is constantly seeking new 'laws' to restrict, or prohibit, the Constitution.
Whether HR 1544 was in the works when the bombing took place, or was drafted afterward,
the government doesn't need special events to enact similar laws. Their methods are more
divisive than that. These claims are just hype, and repetition of arguments that tend to
force us to remain submissive. The Last Straw was written about
HR 1544, and is intended to show that the government does practice 'verbicide' on us.
For years, I had wanted to write
this piece -- especially in light of Michael Fortier's turning state's evidence in the
Oklahoma City bombing. The trouble was, I was never able to get my hands on a plea
agreement to abstract from it, and tell the tale of deceit, fraud, intimidation and fear
perpetrated by the "Justice Department". Unfortunately, a close friend (who is
now hiding from the government) was charged, rather ambiguously, with a crime. His
business and wife were also targets, and the USG brought their pressure on this good
patriot. Informants Amongst Us! is the story of how the pressure
can bring the weak to turn against their friends.
Although I have thought, many
times, of my children, and how I would feel if they were caught up in the violence that is
surely to come if we are to restore this once great nation, I am appalled at the number of
people who condemn McVeigh for the fact that there were children in the building. Once the
determination is made that the loss of innocent life is unacceptable, the action becomes
'terrorism". Terrorism? or, An Act of War? was written to
equate the realities of life, especially in light of armed conflict.
People have alleged, all along,
that Timothy McVeigh was not the bomber. They wonder how the government could have tracked
him down, they ponder the irony of his being arrest in Noble County, Oklahoma, just 1˝
hours after the explosion. They claim that he is a patsy. They may be right, but then, if
he is a patsy it is because he is covering for others that may have been party to the
plan. McVeigh's involvement, whether it stands the legal test (remember OJ Simpson), or
not, is probably real. What Really Happened in Oklahoma City? #3
brings forth some of the facts that lead to his and Terry Nichols' arrest.
Since McVeigh cited Waco as a
cause for his actions, Janet Reno came out and tried what she had done so well, just two
years before. She tried to make reality what she wanted it to be. Her problem was the
proliferation of facts that have come out about Waco, both in trial and through other
methods. Her control of the press, however, hasn't changed. Janet
Reno's last-ditch effort to cover the fraud discusses this aspect.
The manipulation of world news
and the double standards by which the USG promulgates its sphere of influence is described
in One World Government - A theorist's conspiracy?
Discussion, theory and outright
absurdity came into play regarding the destruction of the Murrah Building. In my research,
I was unable to find the formula needed to determine if the ammonium nitrate (ANFO) bomb
could have caused the destruction that we have seen. A number of people felt that it could
have, but definitive proof is what I sought. Surprisingly, the information I needed came
from an unlikely source -- General Benton Partin, who had espoused a theory other than
what I have presented here. In his first 'release' about the 'impossibility' of an ANFO
bomb causing that damage, he provided the formula. His mistake was that he gauged the
distance from blast to building at 80 feet, and the depth of the crater at 25 feet. What Really Happened in Oklahoma City? #4 discusses this and the
structure of the building, which, together, can explain, and dispute claims to the
contrary, that the ANFO bomb, as described, could have caused the damage.
Although the above articles are
the extent of my writings on the subject during those first few months afterward, there is
another article that was not written until August that is, perhaps, the most significant
of all. Since nearly everyone had jumped on the 'patriot leaders' bandwagon, there were a
number of questions raised. One of the more significant was, why did Michael Fortier turn
against McVeigh -- or, is Fortier an agent? An Interview with
Michael Fortier will provide insight into this matter.
As the trial of Tim McVeigh
approached, the reaction of the patriot community had begun to take its toll. They had,
for whatever reason, abandoned Tim McVeigh. Tim McVeigh was the sole patriot that had
"put his actions where his mouth was". The rest of the community had only
offered lip service -- Though very little different in description than the actions of
McVeigh. Oklahoma City -- Denver -- Is it over? discusses this
aspect of the aftermath of the bombing.
A final thought -- As time has
shown, we were able to discern most of the truth about Oklahoma City, very
early on. The sensationalism that was promulgated by the government and its
agents or by overzealous and foolish patriots has left us fighting each other more than
the cause which we profess too. Not every act that we might disagree with can be termed
"conspiracy of government'. We must look to see if, perhaps, what many of us
anticipate has not begun -- without us! Until such time as we can support those who take
the cause one step further than we, individually, are willing to take it, we cannot expect
to prevail.
We cannot 'carry' every bleeding
heart that believes that political parties, the polling place, letters to Congress or any
other means short of war, can restore our blessed Constitution. If they can, then they
will. Rather than relying on those means, however, we must be prepared to support the
alternative -- in whatever way we can.
If, as the Founders did, we
engage in war, and the alternative presents itself, then we can opt for that opportunity.
If, however, you are so naive as to believe that the greatest power on the earth, the
manipulator of nations, will succumb to your tears, then you, my friend, can stand back
and watch -- for there are many who recognize that, for our posterity, there is little
time left to act.
Our first chance to act was Waco,
but then the belief was, until the fire, that lawful means would accomplish the task at
hand. The second opportunity to act was to follow in the footsteps of those who were brave
enough to begin, without us. That opportunity was lost in the obfuscation by 'patriot
leaders' and lack of action. Let us not let the third opportunity slide by us.

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