Emilio Ippolito sits in the Coleman, Florida, Federal Correctional Facility. Although convicted and sentenced to most of the rest of his life for speaking out, Emilio has not lost the spirit that led him to begin the Common Law Court, back in 1992. He has filed a Complaint against the government agents who hand fed the Federal Grand Jury as well as some of the Grand Jury members.
The phrase " Obstruction of Justice" has begun to bounce around the Federal District Court in Tampa, Florida. Interestingly, those who have begun using the phrase seem to be the most guilty of the crime. This series will enlighten you on how a trail that was filled with outright lies by government operatives has now begun to unravel in its own misdeeds.
Obstruction of Justice #1
Obstruction of Justice #2
Obstruction of Justice #3
Obstruction of Justice #4
Obstruction of Justice #5
Obstruction of Justice #6
Ippolito juror failed to tell criminal past
Actual FBI reports on Finch -
The six defendants who were imprisoned by this charade of justice (injustice) appealed the decision of the District Court. Over one year ago, their appeal was heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. It has taken this long for that court to determine how to continue the charade. These recent events warrant a new series of articles entitled Obfuscation of Justice.
Phil Marsh, of California, and Douglas Carpa, of Arizona, are among the defendants in this trial. Like Manuel Noriega, being " present at the scene of the crime" is no longer a requisite for commission of a crime. Carpa was in federal custody, pending trial on other charges, at the time the crime is alleged to have taken place. opf
" Let me tell you about a man named Quigley"
by Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom, July 1, 1997
The story about an IRS undercover agent in Central Florida
Tainted Jury on Tampa Common Law Court trial
A series of articles and documents pertaining to the jury in the recent conviction of alleged conspirators in the Tampa Common Law court.
Motion before the court
The government, in an effort to stifle descent, has chosen, in the Tampa Trail, to list a number of Unindicted Co-conspirators. This court document could serve no other purpose.
The Orlando Sentinel -- Friday, June 6, 1997
"Charge" of treason rings in court...
The Orlando Sentinel -- Sunday, June 22, 1997
An agent spent about a year undercover recording meetings of the
anti-government group.
The Orlando Sentinel -- Sunday, June 24, 1997
Inspector: Anti-government group had threatened grand jury foreman
The conspiracy trial of a group accused of having 4 judicial targets in Orlando continues in Tampa.