From: Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom on the Golden Hill Paugeesukq Reservation
Date: October 5, 1993


Yesterday some very close friends of mine committed an act that can be looked at in many lights, and take on many appearances. In the current times the act may seem well beyond the comprehension of most, including myself. To others the act may appear to be a sign of the times, especially in the wake of the massacre that occurred, just a few months ago, in Waco, Texas.

Lynda Lyon and George Sibley, Jr. were two people that would help a friend any time, day or night. When I returned from Waco I was aware that the FBI had been monitoring my room and had been asking questions about me. Being a bit apprehensive, I had called upon Lynda and George to help me until I was sure that I was not going to be picked up for my activities. They were available constantly and offered both moral and physical support for the few days that were needed to assure my safety. This is, in no way, the extent of help they have provided since we first met.

At the same time, George and Lynda were going through some very trying times of their own. Lynda"s ex-husband, who was also a senior citizen, had been trying to create problems in their relationship. They were concerned that he would go after their property, or even worse, Lynda"s 9 year old son, Gordon. Although there was an act, on the day of the incident, that caused criminal charges to be brought against George and Lynda, to resolve the problem with the ex, the result was aggravated battery charges. George and Lynda had retained an attorney to prepare their defense. Witnesses and evidence that they felt were significant were denied by the trial judge. Facing up to 7 years in prison, they decided that the criminal justice system was not capable of administering justice. George and Lynda fled Florida with the intention of re-preparing their defense in an effort to secure a more equitable trial.

They had been moving around since their flight just a few months ago, roaming from place to place trying to find a location that would allow them to settle and prepare their defense. They never intended to remain in flight, only to buy enough time to prepare themselves to return to Florida. Unfortunately, tragedy struck before this could be accomplished.

Yesterday afternoon at about 1:30 PM the three of them were sitting in their car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. They were having a "domestic" argument and apparently a call was made. Roger Motley, married and father to 4 children, responded. It appears that Motley approached the driver"s side. George fired his automatic pistol striking the officer three times in the chest. Lynda then went around the car and shot the officer 2 more times, then they fled. The officer died shortly after calling in the incident. It is not known if Motley had drawn his pistol.

After an high speed pursuit they were cornered on a country road. After about five hours the FBI and local law enforcement negotiators arranged for Gordon to be allowed to leave. Then, given an ultimatum, George and Lynda surrendered. Apparently George was shot during the standoff. They are currently being held, without bail, in the Opelika County Jail, Opelika, Alabama.

Many of those in the Patriot Community fully expect that a state of war will exist in this country in a relatively short period of time. George and Lynda, as a result of their very subjective experience with the judicial system, felt that this state of war existed.

As close as I was to them, I am not able to judge their actions. What occurred in Alabama may be occurring all over the country in a few years. I wish that it had not happened for the sake of George, Lynda, Roger Motley"s wife and four children. There is another victim that will feel the pains of this probably longer than any of the others. Gordon had to witness the events and will wear those scars the rest of his life. The observation of violent death is, perhaps, one of the worst acts that anyone can ever experience.

So, what is left? George and Lynda will have to stand before a court of law and be judged. They will also have to stand before their God to be judged. But this is no relief for Mrs. Motley and her children. Unfortunately, is also true for the Weavers and the Davidians. No form of justice can ever replace the loss, nor will time change it. It is something we must all bear.

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