Hidden History
Even before the War of Independence, the colonists had established public schools in many of the settlements. In every case, a board was established to make all the arrangements necessary to provide the education that the local people felt appropriate.
At the beginning of this century, the School Board was considered one of the most important elements of government. The board was answerable only to the local residents, and the participation by the members of the community, was very active. The Board established curriculum, acquired books and equipment, arranged for teachers and other necessary functions, suitable to the community.
In the past seventy years, the corruption of that system has allowed federal encroachment by a sort of greenmail (do as we say, or we won't give you back the money we got from you through the scheme of federal taxation) which has resulted in curriculum that serves a social, rather than an instructional agenda. Textbooks, to obtain their acceptance, have had to comply with federal "guidelines". which results in a distortion of our history and heritage, with the purpose of establishing social change. To achieve this end, it has been necessary to re-write history and/or omit aspects of history that would be in conflict with the goals of those who believe that it is in our best interest to submit to their dictates.
Hidden History is a series of articles which will address many of those lost facts. Each article is based upon thorough research, and is irrefutable as to its truthfulness. After all, it is the textbooks they control, not the real historical record of those events.
Hidden History #1 -- The Fourteenth Colony.
Fourteen colonies existed when the War of Independence began. All were within the land recognized by the Treaty at the War's end. One colony, however, due to the immense political clout of New York, existed as a separate and independent nation for eight years, until, finally, it was returned to the family and became the 14th state of the Union.
Hidden History #2 -- Article V of the Constitution -- the Amendment Process
A distinct difference between the way the Founders ratified amendments to the Constitution and what was created by the bureaucrats in the 1970s. Review the historical record, and determine for yourself what the Founders really meant by Article V of the Constitution.
Hidden History #3 -- The End of the Revolution and the Beginning of Independence
Prior to the events of April 19, 1775 (Lexington & Concord), tens of thousands of patriots had taken up arms, willing to stand against the British soldiers, on well more than one occasion, prior tot he events at Lexington Green. This article explains the turbulence that occurred over the period of eight months, prior to the commencement of hostilities. You will not, however find this information in your children's textbooks.
Hidden History #4 -- The Fourteenth Article in Amendment to the Constitution -- an Essay
From the Ratification of the Constitution through today. What affect has it had on the concept of government intended by the Framers of the Constitution; on our Liberties and our Lives; and, is it really what we believe it to be? A study of the history of the Fourteenth Amendment and its effects.
Hidden History #5 -- "We the People", but, Who Are We?
A look at how the first half-century defined who we are, and what we should still be.
Hidden History #05a -- Factions -- The Chains of Oppression
Though not history, this is an explanation of how some current factions either fit, or do not fit, within the framework established by the Framers of the Constitution.
Habeas Corpus - The Guardian of Liberty
The history of Habeas Corpus, a new understanding of what it really is.
Correcting the Constitution Record - First in a Series - The Real Second Amendment and Militia Related Information
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