Laws - Part III January 11, 1994 As was explained before, plunder is the illegal or unlawful conversation of one man's property to another. This action can take two forms, and frequently does. The first is what initiated the need for law. This was conversion by people who would normally be referred to as criminals, con artists, swindlers, thieves, etc. Laws were instituted to punish those who had violated, by plunder, the rights of another. But, what of the second sort? What other form of plunder could exist that would not fall within the description presented above? For this answer we have to look at the means by which we have communally empowered certain people with the responsibility to control the above mentioned specie of plunderer. We have provided a legislative body with the authority to invoke "laws" for our protection. In the process of building "safeguards" for this protection we have created a means by which the very authority assigned to protect us can take from us. We are told that we must help those that are willing to receive help from us, even though the help is indirect. We, however, are denied any portion of the decision process whereby the beneficiaries of our efforts are rewarded. The rolls of those willing to take without giving are growing at an alarming rate, and encompass generation after generation of "recipients." In fact, what we have here is the same person who might otherwise be plundering from us in an illegal manner, now being plundered for by the government. The difference is that when there is a third party involved, whether that third party be the government or some government authorized entity such as the Internal Revenue Service, the plunder is deemed legal by society, even though the results and the beneficiary be the same. We have learned to call this system of plunder "welfare," which, by legal definition, means well doing or well being, not charity. So, how is this second form of plunder achieved? It is the taxation that is levied against us under the guise of protecting us. It is the conversion of our property to the use of others, whether they be those in government or those that are the beneficiaries of government handouts. In either case, we are not being protected from transgressions against our rights -- rather we are being transgressed upon by those who offer the lip service of protection. The second form of plunder is the taking of any tax that is beyond that which is needed to carry out the minimal function of government. In a later paper I will discuss taxation in a fair and just form, however for the sake of this discussion we must, for the time being, look only at government in the context of this "legal" plunder which is an unlawful conversion of our property to the use of others. The plunderers are, quite simply, the government grown beyond a point of service, to the point that we have become slaves in our actions and our purses to their whims and fancies. We have achieved a situation where we have become afraid of those who are paid to protect us, e.g. whenever stopped for a traffic infraction which is not unlawful, but rather a violation of a rules imposed upon us without our consent. These criminal plunderers make for themselves a safer and more convenient field to play on, at our expense. Insurance, again at our expense, has become a substitute for justice to the original plunderers. As long as we can replace our loss, at our cumulative expense, we have "justice served", or do we? It is imperative that we begin to analyze the laws and how they protect us, if they do. We must begin to understand the reasons for laws in the first place, then, to consider if they are being applied as they should. go back to Laws - Part II go to Laws - Part IV Return to Laws index |