From: Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom in Waco, Texas
Date: APRIL 4, 1993 Having been denied the status of press by the FBI makes it a little more difficult to follow the press conferences. I have been following them on radio or television. However, sometimes there are distractions and I miss a portion. For example, I missed the question that elicited a response from David Troy, Chief Investigator for the BATF, when he said that David Koresh was guilty of using illegal firearms. He failed to state why, or how they were used illegally. I think that most of us here in Waco were previously under the impression that the claim was that the firearms were possessed illegally.
You would think that the significance of words and their meaning would be more important than this when we have so many lives lost. Perhaps this whole episode was based upon some mis-worded allegations. As I told you in the past, the ambiguity of the Lawson-Matteson complaint left serious question in my mind.
Later David Troy mentioned that "the Ten Commandments" was being aired tonight and suggested that David Koresh may want to watch it. He then suggested that Koresh has violated four or five of the Commandments.
It seems that the BATF has violated some of the commandments, but hold themselves above them. They also seem to hold themselves above the Bill of Rights, of which they have violated nine, and the Texas Constitution and Bill of Rights, of which they have violated many. I suppose that this is their right, for they are constantly acting above the very laws they are supposed to enforce.
Both a Petition and an Agreement have been submitted to the recipients of these releases in the past few days. We have relied upon elected representation for years and found little of what we wish to see come as a result of our votes.
What has been offered to you by providing these two items for your response is a means of immediately allowing your elected representatives, members of the government agencies and the press of this country and other countries, to know, within just a few days, how many of you have feelings along the lines of the two items.
You may have read both the Petition and the Agreement and set them aside to think about them. You may have set them aside intending to get around to showing them to somebody to see if they wanted to sign their support. You may even have set them aside without reading them, with the intention of reading them later.
Consider this - you have a chance to be heard, but only if you wish to be heard. I beseech you to contact friends and neighbors, now, and get their signatures. Return what you have gotten by this evening to APFN. Continue, tomorrow, with securing more signatures, and send them in, and then do some more. Let us let our government, and the world, know how we feel about these events in Waco. Let them hear a resounding call for common sense and justice in this issue. Never before have we been afforded the opportunity to be heard as we can be now, but it can only be done if we refuse to procrastinate.
Let a new voice of America be heard today, and let You be a part of that voice!
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