From: Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom

"Your goals are not the same as my goals"

Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom
September 22, 1997

This phrase, in this form or similar form, has occurred way too many times in recent posts. Let"s just think about where this leads us. Division, separation and defeat is the only course that can sustain this sort of attitude.

Why don"t we try to look at the "goal" that we all seek, and put it into a perspective in which we can all see the value of securing the objective?

First, let"s look for what is common in our various and diverse goals. The common elements, surely, include:

So, now we have the beginnings of a list of common elements with which we can, with minor variation, incorporate into nearly everyone"s "goals". There are many more issues, and there are some which may be somewhat controversial and subject to much more critical evaluation than is warranted here, yet will have to be dealt with somewhere during the course of resurrection.

Let"s look at what will be necessary to implement the above listed issues, and, especially, those issues which generate so much consternation and conflict because to the uniqueness of each of us.

As the time approaches that the implementation of the Constitutional government and authority nears, surely there will be a Congress, much like the Continental Congress" and the Constitutional Convention. It will be comprised of those who have stood above their peers in their thinking and advocacy during the course of change. Representatives, or delegates from every state can be anticipated, and the issues that they will be compelled to deal with will be much more complex and difficult than anything posed to the Founding Fathers. After all, decades of divisiveness and neglect have compounded the problems beyond what would be required if starting from scratch. Let me pose to you the first dilemma that must be dealt with, and then you will, perhaps, recognize the difficulty of the task.

I"m sure that most would agree that any constituted body meeting with the authority to make decisions (legislation) for the governing of government could do so ONLY when they were gathered in accordance and abidance of the authority by which they were vested. Suppose, however, that they allowed admission and participation by a party that was not a member, rather was, in fact, acting absolutely contrary to the document of creation. Would this act of participation, and acquiescence to that participation by the other members remove the entire body from acting, within the capacity of their authority?

There has not been one effort to cover the fact that West Virginia was created, unlawfully, out of the state, Virginia, after Virginia"s succession from the Union. This being the case, it would seem that the resolution of this problem, and the credit given to any act of Congress, or the President, being the executive, or the Judiciary, after the date of admission of West Virginia (June 20, 1863) would first have to be determined by the Convention established to transition back to Constitutional government.

Now, we could go on to look at other matters of less significance, and many of the individual issues which have presented themselves here, but that effort would be fruitless and would serve only to divide us. There is not one of us who can speak for all. Perhaps one might speak, if so delegated, for a small group, but, whether he speaks for himself or for a group, he might be prudent to speak only in a positive manner to that which his group, or he desires to be among the decisions finally made by that body mentioned above. Where we will end up is moot unless we are able to worked together to achieve that point in time.

Go back to But, What if they try to stop us?

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