From: Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom in Stillwater, New York
Date: February 10, 1994 Phone: messages (518) xxx-xxxx

Davidian Trial, San Antonio, Texas

February 4-10, 1994              Day 20-24                                  Post 8

February 4 - Karen Kilpatrick, girlfriend of Henry McMahon, testified that David Koresh had been informed of BATF’s visits (four). On one occasion David had said, "Tell them to come visit me." This invitation was passed on to BATF, however BATF did not want Kilpatrick to tell David of the investigation. She explained how they had found that it was less expensive to order AR-15 parts in pieces (upper and lower receivers) than assembled. After they found that there was an excise tax that depleted their profit they discontinued this method of purchase. Other dealers indicated that David or Paul had purchased weapons. Dana Rogers of Howland Enterprises, Boulder, Colorado testified that he sold a number of books to Jeff Little, a Davidian who died in the fire. Mark Wilson testified that Jeff Little purchased chemicals that could be used to make explosives. [Interesting that the purchase of books and the purchase of chemicals can now be considered proof of a crime, "Fahrenheit 451"]

February 7 - Mike Toulouse, FBI sniper, testified that he had a Barrett 50 caliber rifle with night vision equipment stationed in the motorcycle barn [about 150 yards from the Center and heavily sandbagged -fortified], saw smoke at the dog house (catwalk above gym) then saw fire coming out of gym. He also testified that a command to begin making holes in building came over the radio at about 10:00 AM. Thomas Rowan, Bradley vehicle operator, testified that he fired CS ferret grenades (70-75) into the Center. He also testified that flash bangs were thrown at anyone who attempted to leave during the 51 days [contrary to Bob Ricks’ claim that the FBI wanted the Davidians to leave the Center. Quantico (FBI headquarters) was notified that they needed more grenades at 9:00 AM. John Morrison, FBI, was in the house next to undercover house with an M-60 machine gun, [perhaps a little overkill] and saw someone start a fire in the living room, he went on radio and found no one could confirm this. He is the source of the story presented by Ricks back on April 19. February 8 - Morrison continued and explained that on April 19 many agents had dinner but did not discus case. Kenneth Vincent, FBI sniper from New Jersey, conformed that Renos Avraam was the man on the roof [the one claimed to be a FBI agent in "Waco: The Big Lie"]. Jim McGee, Bradley operator, saved Ruth Riddle, stated that he fired 96 CS ferret grenades into the Center. R. J. Craig, FBI, now commander of FBI Tank Forces, was just an operator in Waco, testified that he was 8 years a Marine. He testified that he had previous experience operating tanks against civilians at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Judge Smith refused to let Defense Attorneys pursue this questioning. He stated that there were 7 Bradley fighting vehicles, 4 CEV’s, 1 M-88 tank, and 2- M-1 Abrams tanks, that Army and National Guard personnel performed maintenance and even loaded CS gas, but did not operate the vehicles [funny, they can load the guns but not shoot them under current US law]. He further testified that preparations for the gassing began in early March, well prior to the actual gas attack.

February 9 - Bill Cass worked for Grey on fire evaluation, says hard to investigate fire when the building is gone. Stated that they brought dogs in after the fire and that the dogs indicated that there was petroleum on shoes of Davidians. This could have been a result of the use of kerosene in lanterns. He stated that the fire investigation team watched videos to perform investigation and that they determined that there were two sources based on videos. They watched the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) 50 times to come to an agreement as to where the fires began. They never went to Mt. Carmel Center to investigate, nor did they interview any of the Davidians. He stated that CS contains methylene chloride as carrier, which is not flammable in liquid form but becomes flammable when vaporized 13%, which it would have under the system used.

February 10 - James Quintiere, Prof. at University of Maryland, stated that the steel doors [only one found and entered into evidence] would not have been destroyed as a result of this type of fire. That there was no fire at the location indicated by Morrison on February 7. That the three points of origin of the fire were just above the front door, in the dinning room and in the gymnasium. Nessim Peerwani, Medical Examiner, began testimony. He indicated that 17 people were killed on April 19 by gunfire. He will continue Friday. We have also found that Don Bunds [whom the BATF kept in the New Road Inn for most of the fifty-one days] and Ophelia Santoya (one of the many material witnesses detained for months) will not be testifying.

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