Waco Unraveling No. 6
Found Documents
Gary Hunt,
Outpost of Freedom
October 12, 1999
The Washington Post, Friday, October 8, 1999 edition, carried, on page A16, and article by David A. Vise and Lorraine Adams, entitled "FBI Produces New Waco Documents". Both the title and the location are indicative of the press’ unwillingness to take this matter face on, but, there is hope, for the article was published.
The first paragraph reads:
"The FBI has turned over to investigators thousands of pages of newly discovered internal documents that paint the most detailed picture yet of the aggressive federal tactics used during the 51-day siege of the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Tex., in 1993 and offering a revealing look at the inner workings of the operation."We’re caught in the quandary of wondering just what the Federal Bureau of Investigation really is. Just a few years ago, these notable agents of investigation, deduction and logic were able to gather broken pieces of peoples lives, radios and the aircraft equipment, scattered over dozens of square miles near Lockerby, Scotland, and develop that the aircraft was brought down by a radio bomb constructed by two individuals, names known. Warrants were issued and extradition proceedings begun. If this is true, it would appear that an almost magical abilities existed within the realm of Quantico, Virginia.
These same agents have been working on an investigation involving a fellow agency of the US government, and themselves. After six years; After some of the most intensive hearings conducted by the Congress; After the most controversial raid ever conducted by any government agency; After the recent controversy and scrutiny, the FBI is finally able to ‘find’ "newly discovered internal documents" related to the raid. It must have been difficult, since there were only a few thousand documents. After all, they may have been lost in a desk drawer, or under a shoe box.
This speaks so poorly of what was once claimed to be the premier investigative agency in the world. Perhaps, since they have lost so much ability in such a short period of time, they need to be disbanded.
Senator Charles Grassley’s (Rep. Iowa) comments, in the article, "Did all of the Waco-related documents that would have reflected poorly on the FBI end up at Quantico [where the documents were ‘found’]? How do we know all of the documents have been turned over now?"
Well, this takes the matter out of the realm of incompetence and moves it, squarely, into the realm of Obstruction of Justice. Perhaps I spoke too soon!
The ‘found’ documents, apparently, explain that a number of conflicting ‘rules of engagement’ existed during the siege. They range from, "Agents are not to use deadly force against any person except as necessary in self-defense or the defense of another" to permission to use deadly force against Davidians emerging ... who did not respond to directions.
This raises the question of whether the agents in the field were aware of the written rules in the office. If, under the roaring engines of the tanks, an FBI agent (or his agent) were to say, "Hands up! On your knees!", and the person on the receiving end of the instructions, over fifty feet away, did not follow directions, he could have ‘deadly force’ used against him – or her, or, even a child. So, we begin to understand that people, men, women and children weren’t murdered at Waco, it is simply a matter of the agents "doing their job" and "following the rules." A very far cry from Public Servant, wouldn’t you say?
As we continue through the article, we find that the FBI, on no less than seven occasions, used flash-bang grenades to encourage "the Davidians to remain inside of the compound." Ironic that, as we were being told the FBI wanted the Davidians to come out of their Church, the FBI was forcing them to remain inside. Though the FBI claims that Koresh was not allowing people to leave, it was, in fact, the government forcing them all to come out together, or, NOT AT ALL!