Journals of the
Outpost of Freedom
by Gary Hunt
It was February 14, 1993. We had finished our day of surveying and were sitting around my office. Although the sign on the front of the small building said "Gary D. Hunt, Professional Land Surveyor," Roger and I had begun publishing a newspaper called the Outpost of Freedom just 11 days earlier. [This is the first edition...]
The sun had gone down and the darkness settled over the small lake behind the office. Unexpectedly there was a knock on the door. I walked through the reception room and saw an unshaven man standing at the door peering through the glass.
My three or four previous visitors sat in the office, unaware of what was occurring. I opened the door and said, " Can I help you?" " Yes, I need your help," came the reply.
The man's name was Peter Tscherneff. Peter had obtained my name from Denise, in California. Denise had written an article," Never Again A Child" : which had been published in VOL, I, No.1 of the Outpost of Freedom, alongside the "Operation Monarch" article by Mark Phillips. Before publishing either article I had spent many hours on the phone learning of ritual child abuse. I had decided, prior to publishing the newspaper, that I would not publish any article without thoroughly investigating the matter to minimize the possibility of publishing erroneous information.
Peter, at the first meeting, simply asked, "Can I talk with you?" I invited him to come in the office, but he had already determined that there were others inside, so he explained the need for privacy, saying nothing more than was necessary to convince me that what he was asking deserved my utmost concern.
I returned to the office and asked everyone to leave. I explained that no explanation was necessary. All of these guests being familiar with me recognized that to even question my abrupt dismissal of them would be fruitless. They politely said " goodnight" as they filed out the door, nodding and repeating this departing salutation as they passed Peter out on the lawn.
All quiet, Peter took me over to a car I had not noticed earlier and introduced me to his girlfriend, Linda Issel, his almost three year old son, Alex and the courteous, but very concerned person who had driven them out to Florida from Santa Rosa, California. I invited them to come in and explain the nature of their request.
Although I had never spoken with Peter before, Denise had told me, many times, of the father who was concerned about his son's attending a day care center which had strong ties to Michael Aquino.
Aquino had founded a satanic church in California while still an active reserve officer with the Army. I had already reviewed police reports from San Francisco (Case #870910025, 8114/87) which indicated that certain military dependents had been subjected to ritual abuse which involved Aquino, his wife and others. The Army had transferred all of the military personnel in what appeared to be an effort to avoid the publicity of an Army officer being tried for child abuse. The city was unable to afford paying transportation costs from around the world to hold a trial. As a result, the charges against Aquino were dropped.
Subsequently, in hearings before the Congress, it was decided that it would be in the best interest of all if Aquino were to voluntarily resign his commission. Perhaps the transfer of the witnesses was the condition that convinced Aquino to resign.
Peter"s investigation into the Miss Sandies Day Care Center in Novato, California, had developed that Aquino sat on boards with and rented property to, individuals associated with the day care center. Interestingly, , the government associates us, the free people of this country, with the company we keep. Yet, they are able to deny us the right to question these relationships when they include military personnel.
Peter had filed papers with the court regarding child custody. He had pled to the judge that he would prefer to have his son kept in another day care center, (subject to Peter's approval) and that he would bear all expenses of the cost of the center. The judge, lacking the wisdom of Solomon, denied this request
Peter, concerned with the safety and well-being of his son. had decided to flee California, knowing the risks, to assure that his son would not be subjected to associates of the satanic ritual artist, Michael Aquino. Risking all that he had hoped to gain, he had selected me, of the possible choices, to put his faith into. His judgment, I feel, was excellent, as would be proven over the next five months.
The man who had brought them out to Florida was anxious to return. He realized the risk he was taking, and had to minimize his absence. So, after a quick meal, he departed and left us to resolve the living arrangement for fugitives in flight.
We had, on first thought, decided that they would stay at my office. Half of the building was living quarters and was separated from the six rooms comprising the office. As we were talking of other matters, something that one of my workers had told me came to mind. He had observed a white, institutional looking car, drive by the office a number of times, and the occupant had, on at least one instance, taken pictures. We had presumed this to be a result of my previous activity and the commencement of the publication of the Outpost of Freedom.
After a bit of discussion, and realizing the risk to all, we decided that it would be better to relocate them, immediately. The problem was, where to go from here?
Perhaps six months earlier a few of us had decided that a "security team" would be beneficial to some of us more actively involved in " patriot" issues. Willing to respond, much as the militia Minutemen of two hundred years ago, we had mutually agreed to come, on call, to aid each other, whatever the circumstances. Among the members was George Sibley, who, along with Lynda Lyon, eventually became involved in an issue (Opelika) that will be related, later. Another member, who we shall refer to as Sam, the good Samaritan, came to mind. Although I had only known him for a few months, our conversations had convinced me of his sincerity. I called Sam at just before midnight, telling him that I had to speak to him, in person, over a matter of extreme urgency which may involve substantial legal risk. His answer, as I had expected, was, " Come on over."
Garbage bags full of clothes, and the four of us, three looking like vagabonds, drove the twenty minutes discussing many matters, and getting to know each other, beginning then to realize that our lives were becoming inextricably entwined.
When we arrived at Sam's, I went to the front door and told him that there were people in the car that had to come in. Without hesitation, " Come in" was extended to all.
I explained to Sam that, as I understood the situation, we may be facing up to 25 years for harboring a federal fugitive. Peter had explained that the State of California had issued a five hundred thousand dollar bail warrant, and the FBI, who had gotten involved because the State had expected that state boundaries had been crossed, had set a no-bail on the warrant.
Sam just began discussing living arrangements, which, although meager, were now being made available, without condition. It was decided that for the time being, this would be suitable and I returned home to try to sleep and prepare for the morning.
Early in the morning I began the continuation of my investigation of ritual child abuse. What had been a story that had deeply concerned me had just become a significant part of my life. At just after 11:00 I called the court in California to arrange to get copies of the warrant and other paperwork associated with the matter. The voice on the other end, Susan, affirmed the amount of bail and the federal warrant. Within a day I had copies of the warrant, as well as a copy of the " bail guidelines" approved by the California State Judiciary Committee and signed by, among others, the judge who had first issued the warrant and set bail.
The guidelines established a bail of $10,000.00 for the offense of " child stealing." It further stated that, should additional circumstances exist, the bail could be incremented ($10,000.00 at a time) up for each circumstance. Here was the " policy" of the California Supreme Court stating that Peter's bail, at most. should be set at twenty thousand dollars. What events had caused this judge to establish bail twenty-five times higher than most normal people would assume to be the maximum bail which could be set. This issue, and others, were discussed in the second edition of the Outpost of Freedom (copies available) in an article entitled " The Best Interest Of The Child."
As I got to know Peter and Linda I began to appreciate that what Peter knew (although not easily provable) created a very high degree of concern in certain branches of California government, including the judiciary. Finally, I began to realize the severity of this situation I had found myself a part of
The (San Francisco) Bay Area television stations had been putting out pleas for the arrest of Peter and the return of Alex. Nobody could affirm whether Linda was with them, so no charges were brought against her. But the suggestion of their departure together permeated the news bits about the story.
On Wednesday, February 17, Peter had delivered to my office, a video tape he had made laying out much of what we had discussed the preceding days. He had asked for the story to get some airing in California, so I contacted Laura Marquez, with KGO-TV in San Francisco. Laura aired portions of the video in what proved to be the first story done by establishment media which had allowed at least a portion of Peter's side of the story.
We had settled in to a routine, which included me taking different routes every day as I visited with Peter, Linda, Alex and Sam. It had been decided that no others would be brought into our plan, discussion of who to seek out, around the country, for help in exposing what Alex had told us, were a part of nearly every discussion. Alex, although quite young, had been able to relate a story of child abuse which included his maternal grandparents. Deciding what to do was the goal that we were attempting to achieve.
There were a few people that I knew of in the Orlando area that had, like myself, become " untaxed" , or whatever term you may prefer. At any rate, we were no longer filing income tax returns. Some had gone through seizure of property and/or bank accounts. I had my share of run ins with the IRS, but felt more comfortable with my position as it had developed over the past few years. As a result I came into contact with some people who were going through a program from the Southwest. Unfortunately, it eventually cost them their home, but, as is usually true, the seizure was based upon taxes previously acknowledged as owed.
I bring these people up because they introduced me, via telephone, to someone they had met, on the phone, as a result of the " program" they were in. The person they introduced me to was someone (let's call this person Carl Morgan) that lived in the Northeast. Carl had decided to come to Florida and meet some of the Citizen's. I had agreed to put Carl up, since my office had plenty of room. Carl arrived around the 20th of February, and stayed over for about a week.
Carl seemed to me to be very sincere. We spoke of many things that were of issue to the Patriot community. Realizing that there may be a need for an " underground railroad" for patriots, the discussion came, eventually, to aiding people in need of help. Carl's sincerity had been demonstrated, at least in conversation, so I decided to let him in on our secret. I have often wondered whether this was a wise decision. Being " in charge" of hiding Peter, Linda and Alex, I had demanded of all others involved, an absolute silence. I think that this was a key to our success, yet I had violated that " order" in bringing Carl in.
As it was, however, benefits were derived from this inclusion.
It was Sunday, February 28, 1993. I was working in my office when I received a phone call from a telephonic acquaintance, Cy Minett, in Kerrville, Texas. Cy had been Bo Gritz's vice-presidential candidate in the just past election. Cy had already received the first edition of Outpost and we had spoken on the CDR (Council on Domestic Relations) conference calls. Cy's first question, after greeting me, was, " Do you know what"s happening out here in Waco?"
Upon hearing that I did not, Cy relayed as much as possible of what was being aired via special reports throughout most of Texas. A number of church members, and their leader, had been attacked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). There were injuries and deaths already reported. Cy then referred me to a Waco television station which seemed to have the best handle on the breaking events.
I immediately called KWTX, Channel 10, in Waco. The fellow that answered explained that they were extremely busy. However, I convinced him to grant me just a few minutes to discuss the story. He began by reading the story as it was going out over the airways. As he read, the terms " cult" and " illegal weapons" kept recurring. Upon the completion of the story, I begged a few more minutes and asked him who these " Branch Davidians" were. He replied, " They are a religious sect that has lived outside of Waco for nearly fifty years." He went on to point out that there had been a shoot out on the property a few years before and that the ATF said that they had thousands of guns on the property, as well as machine guns and other military equipment.
After completing the call and contemplating what I had heard, I realized that there were two elements to the story that persisted. The people in the church were armed, as many patriots would wish to be, and, that the releases were using the term " cult" when even a local recognized (at least at the time) that they were nothing more than a sect, or offshoot of a larger church. Something that is a part of our religious heritage.
I had forgotten all about Peter and Linda. What I had just learned struck me as an occurrence that would, most surely, become an integral part of American History.
I contacted the CDR people in Illinois and related what I had heard. It had occurred to me that if we could get enough people to go to Waco, we might intervene on behalf of those being killed by the government. Regardless of whether they were innocent, or not, the siege that had begun was not consistent (even with all of the understanding I then had of government abuse) with what I perceived government to be capable of.
On Monday I called the ATF office in Miami, Florida. They told me that they knew very little about what was occurring in Waco, but that they had assigned ten men from their office and sent them to Waco.
It appeared, already, that the government was setting in for a very serious confrontation with these people. If just five were sent from each state, this would raise the ATF contingent in Waco to over 350 ATF agents. News of the FBI going to Waco was beginning to circulate, though the assignment of the FBI as " in charge" had not yet been released.
Cy had referred me to two of his friends in Waco who might help me out. Dewey Millay and Steve Roberts were to become very close friends over the next few months. Steve had already been out as near to Mt. Carmel (the Davidian church) as he could. He had found a hill that overlooked the church from nearly six miles, which he referred to as " Observation Hill" . He had also investigated other approaches, even though there was no telephonic discussion as to detail, as if he had perceived what was needed without discussion. Steve and Dewey had also arranged for a room for me at the New Road Inn, just off of Interstate 35. A friend of theirs, Rosemary Kinder, was the manager, and was to became much more in the days to come.
The story that Steve related to me on the phone (which is available on audio cassette) became the foundation from which I would build this story over the next few months. Most, if not all, of what Steve told me has been proved, or, at least, not disproved as a result of the trial in San Antonio.
Over the next few days I had arranged with CDR that they would have a thousand, or more, people come to Waco. We would then enter the churchyard and sit, peacefully and unarmed, between the Branch Davidians and the ATF. If need be, we would camp out between the forces until a peaceful solution was achieved. [A Call to Peace]
I made arrangements with Sam to stay in touch so that anything that might arise and jeopardize the Peter and Linda situation could be brought to my attention. Although there was a degree of concern that there would not be two of us to help them, Sam assured me that everything was all right, and that there would be no need to bring any others in on what was happening.
Peter and Linda were instructed to make no phone calls to anyone that they knew. Peter was going to continue to look for someone to help evaluate Alex, and would continue to make notes on what had occurred in California. I assured them that I would only be a few days.

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[Note: The Journal of the Outpost of Freedom is only just begun. Check back, from week to week, and more Journals and Links will be added. GH]
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