The Bundy Affair #23
Larry Wooten – Ethical Government Employee, and Rare
His expose on BLM

Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
December 15, 2017
Now, I have to start with a disclaimer. I do so since the last time I received unsolicited information, I ended up spending 7 days in jail and the Court (Judge Anna Brown) didn’t believe me in my sworn testimony, but she did believe a conversation I had with Schuyler Barbeau, in an effort to cheer him up, while he was still in jail.
I received in the mail, with no return address, an 18 page email that I had heard about. However, the details in what I had heard were minimal, at best. But, having the whole 18 pages, I find that the initial, or original email was only 17 pages.
In an undated email from Larry Wooten to Andrew D. Goldsmith, Associate Deputy Attorney General, National Criminal Discovery Coordinator, Wooten writes of many misdeeds in the entire Gold Butte Impound Operation, that being the operation that unfolded near Bunkerville, Nevada, back in early April 2014.
In a cover email, the eighteenth page, to Steven Myhre, United States Attorney for the Nevada District, in a forwarded email, the 17 page emails is included for a total of 18 pages. Wooten explains in the cover email that his superiors, his chain of command, would not deal with what he had presented to them. I’m not quite sure why he sent it to Myhre, since Myhre is implicated in the information, along with any others.
As I read the email, I realized that this was going to be a rather lengthy article. There were, Wooten’s own words, “Law Enforcement Supervisory Misconduct and Associated Cover-ups as well as Potential Unethical Actions, Malfeasance and Misfeasance by United States Attorney’s Office”, that I decided that I could only cover the more significant ones, and then provide the entire email for those that wanted to know more.
That being said, let’s get on with the truth of the matter, and, yes, I assume that the information provided is probably quite truthful, based upon other available information and practices.
On page 2, we find this rather concise statement by Wooten:
In February of 2017, it became clear to me that keeping quite became an unofficial condition of my future employment with the BLM, future awards, promotions, and a good future job reference.
This is followed by the first real indication of impropriety o the part of the BLM:
The longer the investigation went on, the more extremely unprofessional, familiar, racy, vulgar and bias filled actions, open comments, and inappropriate electronic communications I was made aware of, or I personally witnessed. In my opinion, these issues would likely undermine the investigation, cast considerable doubt on the professionalism of our agency and be possibly used to claim investigator bias/unprofessionalism and to impeach and undermine key witness credibility.
On page 4, we can see the arrogance of the BLM “public servants”, their display of ridiculing those on the other side of the fence. that Wooten refuses to use the word without replacing letters to, perhaps, make them pass some government filter.
Many times these open unprofessional and disrespectful comments and name calling (often by law enforcement supervisors who are potential witnesses and investigative team supervisors) reminded me of middle school. At any given time, you could hear subjects of this investigation openly referred to as “ret*rds,” “r*d-necks,” “Overweight woman with the big jowls,” “d*uche bags,” “tractor-face,” “idiots,” “in-br*d,” etc., etc., etc.’ Also, it was common to receive or have electronic communications reported to me during the course of the investigation in which senior investigators and law enforcement supervisors (some are potential witnesses and investigative team members) specifically made fun of suspects and referenced “Cliven Bundy felony. . . .just kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?.” di1dos,” western themed g@y bars, odors of sweat, playing chess with menstru*ting women. Cliven Bundy sh1tting on cold stainless steel, personal lubricant and Ryan Bundy holding a giant penls (on April 12 2014). Extremely bias and degrading fliers were-also openly displayed and passed around the office, a booking photo of Cliven Bundy was (and is) inappropriately, openly, prominently and proudly displayed in the office of a potential trial witnesses and my supervisor and an altered and degrading suspect photos were put in an office presentation by my supervisor’ Additionally, this investigation also indicated that former BLM SAC Dan Love sent photographs of his own feces and his girl-fiend’s vagina to coworkers and supervisors. It was also reported by another BLM SAC that former BLM SAC Dan Love told him that there is no way he gets more pu$$y than him. Furthermore, I became aware of potentially captured comments in which our own law enforcement officers allegedly bragged about roughing up Dave Bundy, grinding his face into the ground, and Dave Bundy having little bits of gravel stuck in his face (from April 6, 2014). On two occasions, I also overheard a BLM SAC tell a BLM ASAC that another/other BLM employee(s) and potential trial witnesses didn’t properly turn in the required discovery material (likely exculpatory evidence). My supervisor even instigated the unprofessional monitoring of jail calls between defendants and their wives, without prosecutor or.FBI consent, for the apparent purpose of making fun of post arrest telephone calls…
Yes, that is your taxpayer dollars hard at work.
Then, on page 5, we get this rather interesting tidbit:
Additional Note: In this timeframe, a key witness deactivated his body camera. Further Note: It became clear to me a serious public and professional image problem had developed within the BLM Office of Law Enforcement and-Security. I felt I needed to work to correct this and mitigate the damage it no doubt had already done.
Further down, on the same page, we find an indication of the desire of SAC Dan Love for his place in history.
The investigation also indicated that on multiple occasions, former BLM Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC) Love specifically and purposely ignored U.S. Attorney’s office and BLM civilian management direction and intent as well as Nevada State Official recommendations in order to command the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale, and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible. Additionally, this investigation also indicated excessive use of force, civil rights and policy violations. The investigation indicated that there was little doubt there was an improper cover-up in virtually every matter that a particular BLM SAC participated in, or oversaw and that the BLM SAC was immune from discipline and the consequences of his actions
On page 6, we start to see some of the effort to cover-up some of the doings of SAC Love’s abusive nature being covered by his superiors including the FBI and the US Attorney’s office.
I personally informed Acting United States Attorney Steven Myhre and Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Nadia Ahmed, as well as Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent Joel Willis by telephone of these issues. When I did, my supervisor in my opinion deceptively acted ignorant and surprised. As the case continued, it became clear to me that once again, my supervisor failed to inform the U.S. Attorney’s Office Prosecution Team about exculpatory key witness statements. Note: During this investigation, my supervisor would also deceptively indicate to the Prosecution Team that no one else was in the room when he was on speakerphone. Thereby, allowing potential trial witnesses and his friends to inappropriately hear the contents of the discussion.
My supervisor even took photographs in the secure command post area of the Las Vegas FBI Headquarters and even after he was told that no photographs were allowed, he recklessly emailed out photographs of the “Arrest Tracking fall” in which Eric Parker and Cliven Bundy had “X’s” through their face and body (indicating prejudice and bias). Thereby, making this electronic communication subject to Federal Records Protections, the Litigation Hold, Discovery, and the FOIA.
Next, on pages 7 and 8, we have Myhre becoming upset because Wooten has disclosed some of what he has run across that is unethical, as well as some interesting disclosures regarding Dan Love and his contempt for life of people..
I am convinced that I was removed to prevent the ethical and proper further disclosure of the severe misconduct, failure to correct and report, and cover-ups by BLM OLES supervision. My supervisor told me that AUSA Steven Myhre “furiously demanded”, that I be removed from the case and mentioned something about us (the BLM, specifically my supervisor) not turning over (or disclosing) discovery related material issues I had with the BLM not following its own enabling statute, and a personal issue they thought I had with former BLM SAC Dan Love. Note: Prior to taking the assignment as Bundy/Gold Butte Investigation Case Agent/Lead investigator for the BLM/DOI, I didn’t know and had never spoken to former BLM SAC Dan Love. I was new to the agency and I was also specifically directed to lead an unbiased, professional , and independent investigation, which I tried to do, despite supervisory misconduct. Time after time, I was told of former BLM SAC Love’s misconduct. I was told by BLM Law Enforcement Supervisors that he had a “Kill Book’, as a trophy and in essence bragged about getting three individuals in Utah to commit suicide (see Operation Cerberus Action out of Blanding, Utah and the death of Dr. Redd), the “Failure Rock,” Directing Subordinates to Erase Official Government files in order to impede the efforts of rival civilian BLM employees in preparation for the “Burning Man” Special Event, unlawfully removing evidence, bragging about the number of OIG and internal investigations on him and indicating that he is untouchable, encouraging subordinates not to cooperate with internal and OIG investigations, his harassment of female Native American subordinate employee where Mr. Love allegedly had a doll that he referred to by the employees name and called her his drunk little Indian, etc., etc., etc.
Myhre is already implicated, but it gets worse, as we see on pages 8 and 9:
Additionally, AUSA Steven Myhre adopted a few troubling policies in reference to this case. When we became aware that Dave Bundy’s seized iPad likely contained remarks from BLM Law Enforcement Officers that is potentially evidence of civil rights violations and excessive use of force, Mr. Myhre and my supervisor not only apparently failed [to] initiate the appropriate follow-on actions, Mr. Myhre apparently failed to notify the Defense Counsel and also decided not to return the iPad back to Dave Bundy, even though the iPad wasn’t going to be searched pursuant to a search warrant or used as evidence in trial and Dave Bundy claimed he needed the iPad for his business. Mr. Myhre also adopted a policy of not giving a jury the option or ability to convict on lesser offenses and instead relied on a hard to prove, complicated prosecution theory in order to achieve maximum punishments (which has generally failed to this point). Also, the government relied on factually incorrect talking points and on (or about) February 15, 2017, misrepresented the case facts about government snipers during trial. Note: The investigation indicated that there was at least one school trained Federal Sniper equipped with a scoped/magnified optic bolt action precision rifle, another Federal Officers equipped with a scoped/magnified optic large frame(308 caliber) AR style rifle, and many officers that used magnified optics with long range graduated reticles (out to 1,000 meters-approximately 500 meters on issued rifles depending on environmental conditions) on standard law enforcement issued AR (223 caliber/5.56 mm) and that often officers were in “over watch” positions. Additionally, the investigation also indicated the possibility that the FBI and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department had law enforcement snipers/designated-marksmen on hand for possible deployment.
Then, on pages 9 and 10, he plead for the various government participants to act in an ethical manner.
I ask that your office ensure that Acting United States Attorney Steven Myhre and the rest of the Cliven Bundy/Gold Butte Nevada Prosecution and investigative Team is conducting the prosecution in an ethical, appropriate, and professional matter. I also specifically ask that your office provide oversight to Mr. Myhre and his team regarding the affirmative responsibility to seek out evidence favorable to the accused, not to discourage the reporting of case issues and suspected misconduct, to report/act on suspected civil rights violations and not to retaliate against an agent that does his required duty. I also ask that your office ensure that the Prosecution Team is free of bias and-has ethically and correctly turned over exculpatory evidence to the Defense. I ask that as appropriate, prosecution team bias (by Mr. Myhre and possibly by AUSA Daniel Schiess) and factually incorrect talking points (by AUSA Nadia Ahmed and Mr. Myhre) be disclosed and corrected. Note: Mr. Myhre previously referred to the defendants as a cult and Mr. Schiess said let’s get these “shall we say Deplorables.”
Next, on page 10, we find Steven Myhre deeply involved in misconduct and trying desperately to rid himself of Wooten and the potential for disclosure of the misdeeds of the prosecution team.
I believe this case closely mirrors the circumstances of former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens trial. As you may notice from the trials and several defense cross-examinations, very little of the impeachment and exculpatory issues were brought up by the defense. I believe this is most likely because the defense counsel was unethically not made aware of them and the severe issues were covered up. Additionally, I believe I can easily show that both my supervision and possibly Mr. Myhre entered into an unethical agreement to remove me from being the lead investigator and case agent for the BLM/DOI due to my objection to and disclosure of outrageous misconduct, the belief that my testimony under oath would embarrass supervisory law enforcement officials in our agency and negatively affect the prosecution, my insistence that my supervisor stop his individual misconduct, correct the misconduct of other employees and report the misconduct as appropriate (for counseling, correction, discipline and the possible required internal investigations) and my belief’ that my agency is violating the letter and intent of the law.
In regard to Prosecution team misconduct, I believe some of it may be attributable to simple mistakes and simple poor judgment. However, I believe it is unlikely (if my supervisor’s statements to me are true) that Mr. Myhre wasn’t himself acting unethically and inappropriately. Prior to the last few weeks of the investigation, I held Mr. Myhre in the highest of regards. He is an extremely hard worker and very intelligent. However I feel that his judgment is likely clouded by extreme personal and religious bias and a desire to win the case at all costs. I feel he is likely willing to ignore and fail to report exculpatory material. extreme bias and act unethically and possibly deceptively to win.
On page 12, we gain some insight into the effect of standing up for the right things, and how others reacted to their role in the game.
Additionally, it should be noted that I was also personally subjected to Whistle blowing Discouragement, Retaliation, and Intimidation. Threatening and questionable behaviors included the following: Invasion of Privacy, Search and Seizure, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Blacklisting, Religious “tests,” and Rude and Condescending Language. Simply put, I believe I was expected to keep quiet as a condition of my continued employment, any future promotions, future awards, or a favorable recommendation to another employer.
During the course of the investigation, I determined that any disagreement with the BLM SAC, or any reporting of his many likely embarrassing. unethical/unprofessional actions and misconduct was thought to be career destroying. Time and time again, I came to believe that the BLM SAC’s subordinates and peers were afraid to correct him or properly report his misconduct (despite a duty to act) out of fear for their own jobs and reputation.
Sometimes, I felt these issues were reported to me by senior BLM OLES management and line Rangers/Agents/employees because they personally didn’t like a particular BLM SAC (although, some of these same people seemed to flatter, buddy up to, openly like, and protect the BLM SAC
On page 15, Wooten explains what he had to rely upon to write this report, with a Note:
Note: This entire document was constructed without the aid of my original notes due to their seizure by a BLM Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge outside of my presence and without my knowledge or permission, Additionally, I was aggressively questioned regarding the belief that I may have audio recorded BLM OLES management regarding their answers concerning this and other issues. All dates, times, and quotes are approximate and made to the best of my ability and memory. I’m sure there are more noteworthy items that I can’t recall at the time I constructed this document. Also Note: The other likely report worthy items were seized from me on February 18, 2017, and are believed to be in the possession of a BLM ASAC. I recommend these items be safeguarded and reviewed.
Now, I have only reported on some of the highlights of the expose’ provided by Larry Wooten. This, of itself, is not conclusive, as there is a process that has to be put into play. However, there can be little doubt that if only some of these allegations are true, then some lives, those of some government employees, are going to be negatively affected, while those Defendants that have been denied justice as a consequence of these unlawful activities, are going to finally be vindicated for their actions back in April, 2014.