
Results for massey

April 19, 2015

April 19, 2015 Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom April 19, 2015 Twenty years ago, today, the Murrah Federal Courthouse, in Oklahoma City, was bombed by a patriot who intended to light the fuse of violent resistance to the government’s overarching, and deadly, imposition upon the rights of the people. Some of the motivation behind this […]

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions Scene 3: To Be, or Not to Be – Forthright

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions Scene 3: To Be, or Not to Be – Forthright Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom April 14, 2015 In Act One: The Government Charade, Judge Hanen graciously gave Prosecuting Attorney Hagen, the opportunity to respond to the Motions to Suppress and Dismiss, in greater detail, since he […]

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions Scene 2: To Detain, or Not to Detain? That is the Question.

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions Scene 2: To Detain, or Not to Detain? That is the Question. Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom April 12, 2015 Another question brought up in Sorola’s motion to suppress evidence was also addressed. At issue is whether he was detained, at which point he would have to […]

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions; Scene 1: Pointing Weapons, or Not Pointing Weapons?

Camp Lone Star – Act Two: The Contradictions Scene 1: Pointing Weapons, or Not Pointing Weapons?  Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom April 11, 2015 In previous articles, we have discussed the Criminal Complaint, Arrest Warrant, and Search Warrant. In each of those documents, we have a set paragraph, to wit: On August 29, 2014, United […]

Camp Lone Star – Act One: The Government Charade

Camp Lone Star – Act One: The Government Charade Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 31, 2015 Yesterday, when Massey arrived at the courthouse, there were about twenty agents in battle gear and a number of DHS Suburbans parked in front of the courthouse. After going in to the courthouse, he had to visit the […]

Camp Lone Star – More like Wonderland

Camp Lone Star – More like Wonderland Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 21, 2015   In Camp Lone Star – “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” and Camp Lone Star – “a Fundamental Right”, I discussed the motions filed by K. C. Massey’s attorney, Louis Sorola, the former being a motion to suppress evidence and […]

Camp Lone Star – “a Fundamental Right”

Camp Lone Star – “a Fundamental Right” Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom February 21, 2015   It is normal, in any criminal proceeding, for the Defense Attorney to file a Motion to Dismiss. Most often, these are simple appeals about nothing of significance, though they do add chargeable hours. In K. C. Massey’s case, however, […]

Camp Lone Star – “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree”

Camp Lone Star – “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom February 19, 2015   We are all familiar, at least to some degree, with the concept of chain of evidence, Miranda rights, and the 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constitution. Evidence has to be acquired by legal means. A warrant […]

Questionable Characters Within Our Ranks

Questionable Characters Within Our Ranks Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom January 19, 2015   For over twenty years, I chose not to make accusations against patriots (or self-proclaimed patriots), with the sole exception of Linda Thompson.  She put out faxes, went on radio shows, and later, had her own radio show, and frequently made accusations […]

Mark Kessler – Recent Past – Part 2

Mark Kessler – Recent Past Part 2 Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom December , 2014   During the events that occurred on the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, Ryan Payne and I were talking about the future of OMA (Operation Mutual Aid). OMA was the first real call to arms on behalf of the Ranch. At […]