Burns Chronicles No 39 – Informants – What to do About Them
Burns Chronicles #39
Informants – What to do About Them
Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
November 6, 2016
Recently, I watched a video of an interview with Terri Linnell that was couched into an in-studio, live “exposé”, purporting to prove that what Linnell had said was an “obvious lie”. This whole program was based primarily on my article, “Burns Chronicles No 32 – Terri Linnell (Mama Bear)“, and the host’s subsequent interview with Terri.
In the comment section of that video, I disputed a couple of items that were alleged to be truthful, one, in particular, dealing with the time element, and when people might have known when LaVoy had been murdered. After all, this set everything into motion, this past January 26.
However, their estimate of when people outside could have known what had happened came out to 10:00 PM. Heck, I knew by 7:00 PM, and as I recall, it was one of my team members that had called me (in Burns) from another state to tell me what had happened. Subsequently, one of the guests has admitted that they had no idea of what time the information would have gotten out — they were just guessing based upon when they found out about the murder.
I had intended to go back to YouTube and review/comment on the remainder of the 2 hour 25 minute video, since I had commented on perhaps only the first twenty minutes that I have watched. Since I had been working on another article, I postponed that subsequent review.
Then I found myself tagged in a subsequent discussion on Facebook, I was invited to be interviewed because of my disagreement with the host. I accepted, however. I included the provision that my interview had to be done that day. First, the video was damaging by its untruthfulness, and such lies should be outed in a timely manner. Second, I didn’t want to wait the “3 or 4 days” for the host to conduct the interview. I have better things to do than wait around for someone to try to figure what questions he needs to ask to try to cover his blatant misrepresentations. Heck, the interview would have been about the video he had created, so if anyone needed to prepare, it would have been me. However, he turned it back on me for not being willing to abide by his schedule. So be it. I have broad shoulders and take full responsibility for not doing the interview.
Now, why do I bring this up? Well, since I posted the article, which I had agreed not to post until Terri testified in the Portland trial, many alleged patriots have attacked her, verbally. Some understood and appreciate what she had done, but when she left the courtroom, she was stunned and could find no one who would talk with her, nor could she find a place to stay. It was that treatment of Terri that caused me to put pen to paper, in hopes of providing another perspective on how we should treat informants.
So, let’s look at the three informants that testified during the trial. First, we have Mark McConnell, though he still denies, or at least sidesteps, his role. He was outed, intentionally, and quite surprisingly, by the government in their direct examination of an Oregon State Police officer. It was later reconfirmed by the Court that he was, in fact, an informant. Mark professes to be a patriot, and he probably is —along the lines of OathKeepers, where the Constitution is what they are told by their superiors, and is patriotism to the government, not to the country or the Constitution. Mark is one informant that all true patriots should, at least, distance themselves from.
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