Independence Day 2016
Independence Day 2016
Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
July 4, in the year of our Lord, 2016, and of Our Independence, 241
“But the Day is past. The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.”
Thus wrote John Adams, to his wife Abigail, on July 3, 1776. The Independence from Britain had been approved the day before he wrote to Abigail, yet the final wording of the Declaration of Independence wasn’t completed and its final form wasn’t approved until July 4, 1776. John Hancock did sign the document on July 4, though it was many months later when the final signatures were affixed thereto.
Now, 240 years after those men were willing to “pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”, most have lost sight of what their intentions were, what was created from their fortitude, and what so many have died in the cause of, until recently.
Six years ago, I set out to identify what that Declaration would look like, today, should we, once again, cast off the yoke of despotism. I did not refer to it as a declaration of independence, rather, as a Declaration of Dissolution of Government, since we still have a Constitution, and there is no government that we want independence from — only a return to the limitations imposed upon that government by the Constitution that created it.
The grievances that were set forth in that document were as follows:
- They have created a fourth branch of government (Administrative Agencies) that is independent of, and not subject to the will of the People;
- Their courts have refused to rule upon the Constitutionality of matters before them;
- They have imposed taxes that appropriate fully one-third of the value of one’s earnings;
- They have generated a debt obligation on our posterity, still unborn, into the unforeseeable future;
- They have seduced millions of their people into dependence upon that government, at the expense of their neighbors;
- The have secured for themselves benefit packages approaching those realized by members of Royal courts;
- The have allowed the appointment of officials in capacities not recognized by the Constitution, and barred from recourse by the People;
- They have established control over State and local governments by funding and obligations associated therewith;
- The have supported the creation of a standing army amounting to over one million officers who have both civil and military authority given them by the government;
- They have expanded the standing army by granting policing powers to many agencies of government who have no need to be armed and authorized to use those arms;
- The have provided undue immunity and impunity to those who have been given such powers;
- They have enacted laws that have effectively limit the selection of government office holders from two primary parties.
- They have endeavored to create empire around the world, which serves not the People of this nation;
- They have waged war without a proper deceleration of war stating who the enemy is and what event will conclude those wars;
- They have enacted laws well outside of any police powers anticipated by the Framers of the Constitution;
- The have subjected States to arbitrary control of the federal government contrary to the guaranteed form of Republican Government within the States;
- They have allowed the use of fiat currency, contrary to the Constitution, and have continued this practice under the guise of a national emergency, which has existed for over 80 years;
- They have allowed favored financial institutions to loan money that does not exist to the people, at usurious rates;
- They have loosened the immigration laws that have served this country well through its history, and refuse, now, to enforce those laws that had been enacted to protect our nation from invasion;
- They have taken States of the Union to court for the State enforcing laws that the federal government refuses to enforce;
- They have extended their jurisdiction over the jurisdiction of the States, nullifying the State’s right to a Republican Form of Government;
- They have assumed jurisdiction in foreign lands, enforced by kidnapping, torture and assassination;
- They have suppressed traditions held dear, for centuries, in this nation;
- They have removed the rights of traditional churches and have granted rights to churches foreign to our heritage;
- They have assumed authority not granted by the Constitution;
- They have denied the States and the People rights guaranteed and protected by the Bill of Rights;
- They have refused to abide by the “Separation of Powers” doctrine by allowing members of the judicial branches of government to hold office in the legislative and executive branches of government;
- The have granted to fictitious entities (corporations, associations, unions and other organizations) rights that are recognized to be granted by the Creator only to the people, in their individual capacity;
- They have formed alliances with foreign nations which are objectionable to the intent of the Constitution, and grant favors to foreign interests over the interest of the People;
- They have accused large groups of our population, including veterans who have fought for the country, of being a source of threat to that government, naming them as terrorists.
The very same author, Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to William Stephens Smith (November 13, 1787), wrote:
“what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.”
So, we must ask ourselves just what we are celebrating, this July 4, 2016. And, we must ask ourselves what we intend to do about that which we once held so sacred.
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