
Results for committee of safety

Habeas Corpus Suspended by the United States Supreme Court – Another Story Behind the Story

Habeas Corpus Suspended by the United States Supreme Court Another Story Behind the Story Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom December 5, 2013 [Note: This is the second part of the article, “Habeas Corpus Suspended by the United States Supreme Court – The Sacred Writ has been Removed from the Constitution” and deals with the impact […]

The Other (not so) Thin Line

The Other (not so) Thin Line Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom July 5, 2012 There is a very thin line between what we believe to be our rights and what the government believes our rights are.  Unfortunately, that line continues, either by police action or court decisions, to move against us, allowing even greater power […]

Lucy Hosmer’s Diary, April 18-19, 1775

April 18 & 19 were days of change for many colonists. One wife, Lucy Hosmer, kept a diary. The following includes excerpts from that Diary. This was given to me, and, presumably written by, Nord Davis, Jr, Northpoint Teams. Gary Hunt * * * * * * * * * * * * * The […]

What do we do? And, when do we do it?

Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom May 17, 2009 The following is an interview that had been planned before I ran across the blog on Fort Sumter. I sent a copy to the interviewee, an old friend of mine who has done some interesting interviews, in the past. We decided to change the interview subject to […]

Unlike any other Government

Unlike any other Government explaining where we came from; What happened along the way; and, What we need to do to get back to where we belong by Gary Hunt July 4 (Independence Day In the Year of our Lord 2009 and In the Year of our Independence the 233rd Preface If you accept that […]

The End of the Revolution and the Beginning of Independence

[Note: PDF file of this article: The End of the Revolution and the Beginning of Independence (PDF)] The End of the Revolution and the Beginning of Independence Social Upheaval in Colonial America – 1774-1775 from Farmers to Patriots Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom February 2, 2010 John Adams to Jefferson August 24, 1815. “…As to the […]

Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer Gary Hunt August 16, 2009 In War — in battlefield combat, one of the most important strategies, especially if the enemy has superior numbers, is ‘divide and conquer’. Very briefly, it can be explained that if you have a force of 3,000 and the enemy has a force of 4,000, you will […]

Real Second Amendment

Complete Second Amendment text, as ratified.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

OMD Audio Recording Series – Audio #5a & 5b (151105)

OMD Audio Recording Series – Audio #5a & 5b (151105) Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 10 2018 These audios are being released because the government misrepresented, by cookie-cutting phrases, and presenting out of context statements in their documentation. The documents are “Governments Sentencing Memorandum” (docket 2519) and “Review of OMD Advisory Board Meeting Recordings” […]

OMD Audio Recording Series – Audio #2 (151018)

OMD Audio Recording Series – Audio #2 (151018) Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 3, 2018 These audios are being released because the government misrepresented, by cookie-cutting phrases, and presenting out of context statements in their documentation. The documents are “Governments Sentencing Memorandum” (docket 2519) and “Review of OMD Advisory Board Meeting Recordings” (docket 2519-1), […]