
Results for committee of safety

Wolf Trap – The Setup

Wolf Trap – The Setup Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom April 14, 2015   On March 26, 2015, a Montana radio host, William Wolf, was arrested by the FBI (not the BATF) in violation of 18 US Code §922 (o) (o)           (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), it shall be unlawful for any person […]

Liberty or Laws? — Dealing with the Current Invasion

Liberty or Laws? Dealing with the Current Invasion Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom July 11, 2014 The Continental Congress, being the first government of what was to become the United States of America, was able to assemble, without undue influence by the British government, though contrary to the law of the land. That Congress (like […]

Lessons of History #1 – Maryland Resolves of 1774

Lessons of History #1 Maryland Resolves of 1774 Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom June 19, 2014 On December 12, 1774 (four months before Lexington and Concord), the delegates from the various county Committees of Safety, ‘deputies’, met at Annapolis, Maryland. The following is from the report of their meeting, constituting an endorsement of the Association […]

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom September 2, 2013 There comes a time when we are past the point of words; only action will achieve the goal that we have set.  That goal is founded upon our belief in, and our determination to support, the Constitution — and, […]

Habeas Corpus – The Guardian of Liberty

Habeas Corpus The Guardian of Liberty   Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom June 19, 2013   Habeas Corpus — Its meaning in Our History Suppose you lived in Washington state or Colorado.  Suppose, too, that consistent with state law, you grow, process, and used marijuana.  Now, state law says you can, but federal law says […]

Tahoe Regional Area Plan (TRAP)

Tahoe Regional Area Plan (TRAP) by K. M. Heaton  (Aug. 28, 1913 – Jun. 6, 2000) (Note: This article was printed in the Outpost of Freedom newspaper on February 5, 1993.  The date that it was written is unknown.) While citizens around the country are becoming alarmed at the regional activity in their areas which […]

Resistance to Tyranny — A book by Joseph P. Martino

Resistance to Tyranny Martino By Joseph P. Martino For over twenty years people have been talking about the ‘takeover’ of America, whether by foreign forces, or, by a government intent on creating a truly despotic government. In 1984, a movie, Red Dawn, depicting one form of takeover was very popular throughout the country.  It was […]

Are Cops Constitutional?

Seton Hall Constitutional L.J. 2001, 685 ARE COPS CONSTITUTIONAL? Roger Roots*   [PDF file available at Are Cops Constitutional? (PDF)]   ABSTRACT Police work is often lionized by jurists and scholars who claim to employ “textualist” and “originalist” methods of constitutional interpretation. Yet professional police were unknown to the United States in 1789, and first […]

Martial Law?

 The Outpost of Freedom presents MARTIAL LAW? By Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom For years we have heard that the United States was in bankruptcy, that we are under Martial Law. For years we could only suppose this to be true. Dr. Gene Schroder, American Agricultural Movement, has done extensive research into the matter. The […]